René Richard
We buy quality paintings by this artist
Born in Switzerland, he moved to Canada with his family in 1909 and settled in northern Alberta, where he became a trapper, hunter and woodsman. Literally living in the forest, he began to write and paint his experiences. In 1927, he studied in Paris where he met Clarence Gagnon. He then returned to Alberta but was persuaded by Gagnon to devote himself entirely to painting. He settled in the region of Baie-Saint-Paul and painted numerous landscapes from his memories, its primary source of inspiration remains the nature as seen in his own expeditions. To pay tribute to this great painter, two retrospective of his work took place in 1967 and 1978.
After his death, Laval University organized in 1982, an exhibition in his memory. Montreal did the same in 1986. The year of his death a foundation is established in his name. It helps young artists. Many books are published about him, describing his work and recounting the greatest moments of his life.